Sittings of the Conseil and its committees

The sittings of the Conseil are public : anyone may attend.

A committee composed of certain members of the Conseil must first review the complaint for its admissibility. This committee sits in camera; only members of the committee are present during the review.

If the Comité de la recevabilité des plaintes declares the complaint admissible, an inquiry committee is formed. The  hearings of the Inquiry Committee are public.

To follow the activities of the Conseil and its committees, you can consult the calendars of the sittings and the minutes of the Conseil's sittings.

Please note that the information presented in that section is only available in french.

Upcoming sittings

  • Council for Administrative Justice

    • September 24, 2024 - 9:00 am - Online
    • December 3, 2024 - 9:00 am - Online
    • March 18, 2025 - 9:00 am - Online
    • May 21, 2025 - 9:00 am - Montreal
  • Comité d’examen de la recevabilité des plaintes

    • August 20, 2024 - 9:00 am - Online
    • October 1, 2024 - 9:00 am - Online
    • November 19, 2024 - 9:00 am - Online
    • February 4, 2025 - 9:00 am - Online
    • April 1, 2025 - 9:00 am - Online
    • June 3, 2025 - 9:00 am - Online

Minutes of the Conseil's sittings